some kind of academic

Some writing... involving Timothy Neale



Neale T (2023) Performing control: Ritual and divination in Australian emergency management. American Ethnologist. 50(4): 568-581.

Neale T, Dahlgren K, Howey K, et al. (2023) Converging old and new carbon frontiers in northern Australia. Area. 55(4): 523-531.

Neale T (2023) What tradition affords: articulations of indigeneity in contemporary bushfire management. Current Anthropology 64: 72–103.

Neale T (2023) Interscalar maintenance: configuring an Indigenous ‘premium carbon product’ in northern Australia (and beyond). Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 29(2): 306-325.

Howey K and Neale T (2023) Divisible governance: making gas-fired futures during climate collapse in northern Australia. Science, Technology, & Human Values 48 (5): 1080-1109.

Smith W, Neale T and Weir JK (2021) Persuasion without policies: the work of reviving Indigenous peoples’ fire management in southern Australia. Geoforum 120 (March): 82-92.

Neale T, Vergani M, Begg C, et al. (2021) ‘Any prediction is better than none’? A study of the perceptions of fire behaviour analysis users in Australia. International Journal of Wildland Fire 30 (12): 946-953.

Neale T and Kowal E (2020) “Related” histories: on epistemic and reparative decolonization. History and Theory 59(3): 403-412.

Neale T and May D (2020) Fuzzy boundaries: expertise and culture in bushfire prediction. Social Studies of Science 50: 837-859.

Neale T, Carter R, Nelson T, et al. (2019) Walking together: a decolonising experiment in bushfire management on Dja Dja Wurrung country. cultural geographies 26(3): 341-359.

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Neale T (2021) Bound to Predict. Society for Cultural Anthropology.

Neale T (2020) What are whitefellas talking about when we talk about “cultural burning”? Inside Story.

Neale T (2019) Poly- and Perfluorinated Alkyl Substances (PFAS). Society for Cultural Anthropology.